7 things to consider before reopening your operating room


Originally published in FierceHealthcare

By Sharon Ulep and Regan O’Connor

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic required extreme measures by operating rooms throughout the nation.

Fortunately, we’ve started seeing signs that the first wave of this crisis might be coming to an end, and hospitals and health systems are starting to create project plans allowing them to once again perform elective surgeries and procedures.

The time, then, is now to begin planning for how ORs should address the overflowing case demand and backlog of surgical procedures that were canceled. Dealing with both at once requires a plan.

Below, we’ve outlined seven considerations for restarting your ORs and addressing elective case backlog.
Read the full article in FierceHealthcare
Sharon Ulep leads operational performance solutions in the acute healthcare space at Plante Moran. Regan O’Connor is a senior consultant on the healthcare strategy and operations team.